Day 5: Painkillers 101 and Laughing . . .
I think today will be a 2-blog entry day so bear with me if you will.
Well, for some reason last night, an idea popped in to my ever increasing head (think MegaMind and that is what my head looks like) that I should probably slow down on the painkillers and heck I thought, why don't I just stop taking them at all!
I know, I know, before anyone says anything, talking about a stupid idea but every now and again I have these inspirational flashes of plain dumbness and I go along with them. This would be Stupid Idea #1 post-surgery. I think I will keep a list of 'Do Not Attempt' suggestions . . .
Hear me out though before you say anything; the thing is that I do not take painkillers typically at all. As in rarely. I never have and so whenever I do take them they typically affect me in that I feel super-groggy, I have a 'fog-ness' associated with my thinking (rhetorical statement please note), and overall I do not like the way I feel. This in some part explains why it takes me an absolute age to come out of General Anesthesia but going from taking no medicine whatsoever to taking Lortab and Ibuprofen every 4 hours on rotation really kinda worries me. Even as I write this I realise I am not going to win the argument . . .
So, getting back to my confession of stupidity. I decided last night that the intense throbbing I was feeling in my jaws (especially my jaw joints) was in fact, jut stiffness and not really pain per se and as a consequence I could probably save myself the torment of squirting liquid Lortab down my throat (not fun) and while I am at it reduce the dosage of Ibuprofen . . . Great idea!?@!
Lesson learned # 1: I know nothing about pain management and funnily enough, my surgeon does know what he is talking about. Unfortunate lesson to learn.
The result? One word, Ouch. I have resumed with vigor previously prescribed dosages in an effort to rectify my stupidity.
The bruising is increasing, especially around my chin and my throat and I think it will look pretty scary what with my attempt at a beard! I thought about shaving this morning but really, how do you shave a balloon? Suggestions on a S.A.E. if you would. So I am stuck with a swollen, bruised, and hideously unattractive facial hair on my face!
I look in the mirror and laugh (don't recommend laughing, it hurts) but instead of a laugh it sounds like someone moaning, very much like Quasimodo or a creature who cannot talk trying to say something. Oh yes, that would be me! I actually took a video of me laughing because it sounds so freaky.
Still little feeling in my face but sporadically I feel a tingly sensation at various places on my face and chin so hopefully this means I will not suffer from any permanent nerve damage.
Not the best day - perhaps tomorrow will be better?
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