Day 172: Goodbye Braces . . .
Of course, being able to smile without have the reflection of metal also means, somewhat regrettably., that this journey is now at an end. I am almost sad if that doesn't sound too strange. That said, here are a few facts that might be of interest to you (and if not, well, they are to me)
Days since my braces were installed
Days since my jaw surgery
Teeth extracted in the process
18 mm:
Total movement that my lower jaw was moved forward by the surgeon. The average is 5-7mm. 18mm was almost a record for my surgeon who has decades of experience.
12 mm:
Total that my upper jaw was widened by the surgeon.
40 lbs:
Total weight loss since my surgery
Nights I have snored since my surgery (my wife can attest!)
Feeling in my chin as a result of surgery
Regrets about have the surgery performed . . .
Quite incredible when you think about it really; although 583 days sounds like a long time I can honestly say that time has flown by. Well, perhaps with the exception of the one week following surgery :)
I have spent an inordinate amount of time today looking inside my mouth, looking at my teeth, rubbing my tongue on teeth, practicing my smile in the mirror, and overall feeling a tad happy about how everything has turned out . . .
Within the next week I will add the remaining pictures, add additional content to the FAQ, and add a final Lessons Learned post. I just wanted to get a quick post written letting you know that my braces are finally off!
It has been quite an adventure hasn’t it . . .